What do you need after your purchase on cigars?
You would say 'what about a cutter or a lighter'?
But, you may already have a cutter and a lighter at home, right!?
Even if not, you should have the replacement of them such as matches and a knife...
Humidor is a box designed to store your cigars to protect your cigars from dryness, excessive wetness and ultraviolet rays.
So it may be necessary to have a humidor if you do not have one.
1) Size
Choose a large size of humidor!
I can advise that you should use up to 60% of capacity of a humidor.
For example, if a humidor is capable of storing maximum 50 sticks of cigars, it should be best to store 25-30 sticks.
If you use full of room (capacity) of a humidor, there is not enough room left for good air circulation and it can cause the cigars the excessive wetness.
For that reason, a travel humidor(usually smaller size of capacity) does not suit for a long term storage.
2) Material
I will continue the subject in my next post!
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