Let me talk about Music today!
I love music, especially British Rock and dance music!
I love U2, Oasis, Stoneroses, Coldplay, Primal Scream, The Verve, Charltans, Kasabian, Chemical Brothers, Underworld...
And Radiohead is one of my favourite bands as well.

The band are currently without a record contract, having fulfilled their six-album contract with EMI in 2004.
It means that the band has not released any CD album since Radiohead released their sixth album, Hail to the Thief, in June 2003.
But, Radiohead initially released their seventh album, In Rainbows, solely as a digital download, in October 2007. It was reported that on the day of its release, 1.2 million copies of In Rainbows had been sold as digital downloads.
It was announced in early November that the album was to be released on 31 Dec 2007 on US and Canada.
Furthermore, the new album will be released in Japan even earlier than 31 Dec 07 !
I must get it!